the series $a_n$ is any arbitrary converging series.
My thought process was that the $1/n$ will definitely go to zero as n approaches infinity; however, the series $k*a_k$ seems to approach infinity at the same rate. This confuses me because if both the numerator and denominator approach infinity, I think that the overall equation will equal 1, not zero.
I also considered that the sum is geometric, but I do not believe that is the case, because both $a_k$ and $k$ are variables that are not constant. I was thinking that I could argue if the series $a_k$ converges to a point, eventually the terms of the sequence will be so close to each other that it resembles a constant multiplier, but that argument is not very strong.
Any tips, hints, or leads at the solution are appreciated!
Hint: from the convergence of $\sum_{n\geq 1}a_n$, we know that the sequence $\{a_n\}_{n\geq 1}$ has bounded partial sums. We have:
$$ \frac{1}{n}\sum_{k=1}^{n} k\,a_k = \sum_{k=1}^{n}\frac{k}{n}\,a_k = \sum_{k=1}^{n} a_k - \sum_{k=1}^{n}\left(1-\frac{k}{n}\right)a_k. $$ Now apply Dirichlet's criterion to the last sum regarded as a series.
Once you know that $\frac{1}{n}\sum_{k=1}^{n} k\,a_k$ is convergent, convergence to zero follows from the dominated convergence theorem.