Eisenstein integers with norm value of 5

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I am trying to find out the Eisenstein integers that have norm values of 3,5,7.... I want to see if there is some pattern.

For the norm value of 3, I was able to find six Eisenstein integers. For the norm value of 7, I was able to find twelve Eisenstein integers.

I am unable to find even a single Eisenstein integer with a norm value of 5. Is this correct? Do Eisenstein integers with a norm value of 5 not exist or am I missing something? Does it have to do anything with the fact that 5 is a prime Eisenstein integer?


There are 1 best solutions below


You are not missing anything. There are no Eisenstein integers

$(a+b\omega$ with $a,b\in\mathbb Z$ and $\omega$ a primitive cube root of $1)$ with a norm of $5.$

One way to see this is to note that $N(a+b\omega)=(a+b\omega)(a+b\overline\omega)$ $=a^2-ab+b^2$

$\equiv a^2+2ab+b^2$ $=(a+b)^2\not\equiv2\pmod3,$ as shown here.

Another way to see this, as suggested in comments by Anne Bauval, is to note that


which has no solutions in integers, because $20, 20-3\cdot1^2,$ and $20-3\cdot2^2$ are not squares

and $20-3\cdot b^2<0$ for integers $b>2$.

Finally, if we had $N(a+b\omega)=(a+b\omega)(a+b\overline\omega)=5$,

then $5$ would not be a prime Eisenstein integer.