Entanglement and linear algebra

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How do you represent entanglement of two particles in quantum mechanics using linear algebra?

How does measure of one particle affecting the state of other quantum mechanically captured linear algebraically?


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Here's the "in a nutshell" explanation, assuming you know nothing beyond basic linear algebra. Right now, the explanation is a bit sparse at points. If I find the time, I'll try to fill in the blanks.

First thing to know is that in quantum mechanics, a system of $n$ independent states is represented as an $n$-dimensional vector space over $\Bbb C$, with an inner product (dot-product).

For example, the spin of an electron has two possibilities (which are impossible to measure simultaneously): "spin up" and "spin down". These states can be thought of as the vectors $\{\vec z_+,\vec z_-\}$, which we could represent with the usual $(1,0)$ and $(0,1)$. For any complex numbers $c_+,c_-$ satisfying $|c_+|^2 + |c_-|^2 = 1$, the vector $c_+\vec z_+ + c_-\vec z_-$ represents a valid state in our state-space, that is, a valid "superposition of states". In particular, if we measure the spin of a particle described by the state $c_+\vec z_+ + c_-\vec z_-$, the probability of measuring "spin up" is given by $|c_+|^2$, and the probability of measuring "spin down" is given by $|c_-|^2$.

In the usual quantum mechanical notation, these vectors are written as "kets". In particular, a physicist would write a state in the form $$ |\phi \rangle = c_+ |z_+ \rangle + c_- |z_- \rangle $$ So that our basis vectors are $\{|z_+ \rangle, |z_- \rangle\}$. For more information on what's been said so far, see here.

In order to combine two state-systems, we need to know about the tensor product. For more on tensor products, see here.

Now, given two state systems $U$ and $V$, we describe the combined system as $U \otimes V$. In particular, if one state system has the basis $\{|\phi_1\rangle, \dots, |\phi_m \rangle\}$ and the other has basis $\{|\psi_1\rangle,\dots,\psi_n\}$, then the combined system is spanned by the $mn$ vectors of the form $|\phi_j \rangle \otimes |\psi_k \rangle$ where $j$ goes from $1$ to $m$ and $k$ from $1$ to $n$.

A state $| s \rangle$ in the system $U \otimes V$ is separable if there is a vector $|\phi \rangle$ in $U$ and $|\psi \rangle$ in $V$ such that $$ |s\rangle = |\phi \rangle \otimes |\psi \rangle $$ If a state is not separable, then it is entangled. For more on entanglement, see here.