In an exercise from Munkres-Topology Article 30 the author writes that there is a very familiar space which is NOT first countable but every point is a $G_\delta $ set. What is it?
Though there are answers posted on this site to the above question, I don't find the spaces familiar to what has been taught in the book up to Article-30
I am not able to find examples either. Is any help possible on familiar examples?
Another example (perhaps a bit more familiar with readers of Munkres's text) is $\mathbb R^\omega$ with the box topology.*
It is not first countable because you can "diagonalise" through any countable collection of open neighbourhoods of a point.
Given $\mathbf x = ( x_n )_n $ and a collection $\{ U_i : i \in \mathbb N \}$ is open neighborhoods of $\mathbf x$, without loss of generality we may assume that $U_i = \prod_n ( a_n^{(i)} , b_n^{(i)} )$ where $a_n^{(i)} < x_n < b_n^{(i)}$. Taking $c_n = \frac{a_n^{(n)} + x_n }{2}$ and $d_n = \frac{x_n + b_n^{(n)}}{2}$ it follows that $V = \prod_n ( c_n , d_n )$ is an open neighbourhood of $\mathbf x$, but $U_n \not\subseteq V$ for each $n$.
It is pretty easy to verify that points are Gδ. (Given $\mathbf x = ( x_n )_n$, set $U_i = \prod_n ( x_n - \frac{1}{i} , x_n + \frac{1}{i} )$ for each $i$, and note that $\bigcap_i U_i = \{ \mathbf x \}$.)
*This space is first explicitly mentioned on p.117 of Munkres's text, and has a separate index entry. Its non-metrizability is shown on p.132 and its disconnectedness is shown on p.151, both before the stated exercise. It is also the subject of several exercises prior to Section 30. To someone going through the text, it should be "familiar".