The sum of two odd functions
(a) is always an even function
(b) is always an odd function
(c) is sometimes odd and sometimes even
(d) may be neither odd nor even
The answer provided is b.
Here (another Q) the answers seems intuitive and I am able to prove that the sum of two odd functions is always odd. using this - $-f(-x)-g(-x)=-(f+g)(-x)$
I have a function that gives $0$ always yet is the sum of two odd functions:
$f(x) = \sin(x) + \sin(\pi + x)$
Does this not serve as a counterexample for the property? Why?
Hint: $f(x)+g(x)=(f+g)(x)$ Therefore $-f(-x)-g(-x)=-(f+g)(-x)$