For a fibration $F \overset{i}{\to} X \overset{p}{\to} B$ with $B$ path-connected, if the map $i^*: H^*(X, G) \to H^*(F, G)$ is surjective, then does it necessarily follow that the action of $\pi_1(B)$ on $H^*(F, G)$ is trivial?
2025-01-13 05:34:42.1736746482
Fibration: if map $i^*: H^*(X, G) \to H^*(F, G)$ is surjective, then action of $\pi_1(B)$ on $H^*(F, G)$ trivial?
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There are 2 best solutions below
The edge map for the serre spectral sequence of this fibration is $H^n(E) \to E_\infty^{0,n} \subset E_2^{0,n}=H^{0}(B,\mathscr{H}^n(F)) \subset E_1^{0,n}=H^n(F)$. Since the edge map is the induced inclusion map, and this map is surjective by hypothesis, $H^n(F)^{\pi_1(B)}:=H^{0}(B,\mathscr{H}^n(F))=H^n(F)$. Therefore every element of $H^n(F)$ is invariant under the action of $\pi_1(B)$.
I have taken this argument from Serre's Thesis, homologie singuliere des espaces fibres,(the paper where Serre introduced spectral sequences to the world).
Yes. If you look at how the action is defined, the maps given by inclusion $F\to X$ and the homotopy equivalence on the fiber followed by inclusion $F\to F \to X$ are homotopic. This just follows from the fact that the map $F\to F$ is constructed by lifting $F\times I \to I \to B$. Thus, if we can extend a cohomology class $F\to K(G, n)$ to $X\to K(G,n)$, it will follow that the action on this class is trivial. If we can extend all the classes, then the action is trivial.