I came across this question
Find a matrix $A$ with nullity($A$) = 3 and nullity($A^T$) = 1 which contains no zero elements
and am unable to finish my solution and would appreciate some guidance
My attempted solution utilises that the maximum rank of an $n \times m$ matrix is
\begin{equation} rank(A) \le min(n, m) \tag{1} \label{eq:max-rank} \end{equation}
Additionally a matrix with $m$ columns satisfies the equality in eq. $\eqref{eq:dimension-theorem}$,
\begin{equation} rank(A) + nullity(A) = m \tag{2} \label{eq:dimension-theorem} \end{equation}
Furthermore we have that if $A$ is any matrix, then $rank(A) = rank(A^T)$.
Hence we have that, since $A^T$ has $n$ columns,
\begin{align*} nullity(A^T) &= 1 = n - rank(A^T) \textrm{ (from eq. \eqref{eq:dimension-theorem})} \\ &\implies \textrm{ (from eq. \eqref{eq:max-rank})} \\ n - m &= 1 \end{align*}
(I expect that $rank(A) > 0$ but this might be an unnecessary assumption? If $min(n, m) = n$ then the rank would be $0$)
So we have that $m < n$, specifically $n = m + 1$.
From here I am unable to continue. I do not see how to properly extrapolate, or see what I am missing, to infer proper values for n and m that satisfiy the nullity requirements. Or if I have made a flaw in my reasoning, which is possible since I have been at it for some time and may have mixed something together from my notes.
By equation (2) for $A$, we have $$ \def\rk{\operatorname{rank}}\rk A + 3 = n $$ by equation (2) for $A^t$, we have $$ \rk A + 1 = \rk A^t + 1 = m $$ hence $$n - 3 = m -1 \iff n - m = 2. $$ As we want an easy example, let's try with the smallest possible $m$, namely $m = 1$. If $m = 1$, $A$ were a $(1,3)$-matrix, which can have nullity $3$ only if in consists of zeros, but we do not want zero entries. For $m = 2$, we have a $(2,4)$-matrix $A$. $A$ $(2,4)$-matrix with nullity $3$ must have rank $1$, that is all columns equal. We do not want zeros, hence $$ A = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1 & 1 & 1\\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \end{pmatrix} $$