Suppose I have the following equation:
\begin{equation} 1=\frac{S_0}{\gamma}(1-e^{-\gamma T_n})+\lambda\int^{t_{n+1}}_{t_n}e^{-\gamma(t_{n+1}-\tau)}g(\tau)d\tau. \end{equation}
If I make two assumptions
g is a periodic function with period $T$ and mean zero.
$\gamma$ is small
somehow my equation changes to this:
$$ 1=S_0T_n+\lambda\int^{t_{n+1}}_{t_n}g(\tau)d\tau-\lambda \gamma \int^{t_{n+1}}_{t_n}(t_{n+1}-\tau)g(\tau)d\tau. $$
How is this restatement of the equation achieved?
This answer is thanks to @MPW.
The restatement depends on the approximation
$$ e^x\approx x+1, $$
which holds for small $x$. Here, the relevant small variable is $\gamma$.