If you can use only this figure, what is the LEAST number of such figures that you can use to build a square ? You can use any isometry to build a square and it must be full from the inside.
2025-01-13 05:31:13.1736746273
How do you build a square from this figure?
832 Views Asked by alexgiorev https://math.techqa.club/user/alexgiorev/detail At
There are 2 best solutions below
One can also generalize this; if you kept going with the spiral pattern (placing a strip of 7 squares at the end of the previous strip) for all 4 pieces, you would have a square of 8 units.
It's not hard to show inductively that you could continue this without bound to make arbitrarily large squares with even side length.
The answer is 4. They form a svastika-like pattern (take one of your shape, and make it rotate around the smallest side, by 90°, and repeat this.