A friend of mine taught me the following question. He said he created the question by himself and conjectured the answer, but couldn't prove it. Though I've tried to solve the question, I've been facing difficulty.
The question is about piling rectangles. (The following is an example when we pile thirteen $1\times 2$ rectangles.)
Question : For a positive integer $n$, how many ways are there to pile $n$ $1\times 2$ rectangles ("$1$ row and $2$ columns" only) under the following conditions?
The rectangles at the bottom are next to each other.
A rectangle not at the bottom and another rectangle right below it "overlap" only half.
Let $f(n)$ be the number of such ways. Then, interestingly, we have $$f(1)=1,\quad f(2)=3,\quad f(3)=9,\quad f(4)=27,\quad f(5)=81,\cdots$$
We have $f(3)=9$ because
So, it seems that we can have $f(n)=3^{n-1}$. However, I have not been able to prove that.
I've tried to use induction. However, I have not been able to find a way to use the induction hypothesis. Since the answer seems very simple, there should be something that I'm missing. Can anyone help?
This result is contained in Corollary 5.3 in [1]:
Exercise for the reader: Show that the rectangle piling problem on $n$ tiles proposed here is equivalent to counting directed animals of size $n$ on the 2-dimensional square lattice with compact sources.
Definition: A directed animal $A$ (on the 2-d square lattice $\mathcal{L}$) is a subset of points of $\mathcal{L}$ such that:
Definition: A directed animal has compact sources iff the set of sources may be specified as the points $(-s,s), s=1,2,\ldots,k$ for some $k$.
1) Barcucci, Elena, et al. "Directed animals, forests and permutations." Discrete mathematics 204.1 (1999): 41-71.