Can a rectangle $9\times 7$ be tiled by "L-blocks" (an L-block consists of $3$ unit squares)?
Although the problem seems to be easy, coloring didn't help me. The general theory is interesting, but I'm looking for an elementary and relatively simple solution (suitable for a high school olympiad).
Here's Python code to find the solutions for this puzzle for any grid size. It outputs the solutions both as text and as PPM files. This code was tested on Python 2.6.6 but it should run correctly on Python 2.5 or any later version.
And here are the first 100 solutions for the 9 x 7 grid as an animated GIF.
These images all use 4 colours, however, it is possible to colour some of them with 3 colours.
(If the image doesn't animate for you, try your browser's "View Image Info" context menu item).