I came across a problem: $-16/4i$. Every time I put it into a calculator, it comes out as $4i$, but when I try to solve it is $-4i$, because of the negative one in front of the $16$.
2025-01-13 05:50:58.1736747458
How is $-16/4i$ equal to $4i$?
221 Views Asked by Joce https://math.techqa.club/user/joce/detail At
There are 5 best solutions below
One way to do it: $$ \frac{-16}{4i} = \frac{-16}{4i}\frac{-i}{-i} = \frac{16i}{4i(-i)} = \frac{16i}{4} = 4i. $$ The key thing is that $i(-i) = 1$.
I think the problem is that you are entering $-16/4i$ into your calculator, but you ought to be entering $-16/(4i)$. The calculator is (correctly) interpreting your input to mean $-16 \div 4 \times i$, which evaluated from left to right is in fact $-4i$. If you want the calculator to compute $-16 \div (4 \times i)$, you need to include the parentheses.
And, as others have pointed out, dividing by $i$ is the same thing as multiplying by $-i$, because $\frac{1}{i} = -i$.
Hint: What is $\frac{1}{i}$ equal to?