As wikipedia defines well, the Fano plane is a small symmetric block design, specifically a 2-(7,3,1)-design. The points of the design are the points of the plane, and the blocks of the design are the lines of the plane.
Now what I'm trying to find is the number of different Fano plane with points labeled $1$ to $7$. By "different" I mean every set of blocks should be disjoint from every other; that no two planes have common blocks.
Put another way, I want to know how large a set of Fano planes can be if the sets of lines are pairwise disjoint.
Every Fano plane has 7 blocks and here I listed all the blocks you could see in the picture:
\begin{align*} \{6, 4, 3\} \\ \{3, 2, 5\} \\ \{5, 1, 6\} \\ \{6, 7, 2\} \\ \{3, 7, 1\} \\ \{5, 7, 4\} \\ \{1, 4, 2\} \\ \end{align*}
Please use a combinatorial approach, not groups and algebra.
It is not possible to make more than two Fano planes on the same seven points that don't share any line.
If one of them is the standard numbering (where three points are collinear iff their bitwise XOR is 0):
then the complete set of planes that are compatible with this (up to automorphisms of each plane) is
and every pair of these have a line in common.
The 8 compatible planes are enumerated by first selecting what the third point in the line containing 1,2 is (giving one of the four columns), then selecting what the third point in the line containing 3 and the previously chosen point (two choices possible since the corresponding line in the base plane must be avoided), and finally only one placement of the two remaining points is possible.
There's a symmetry to the arrangement: The compatible planes arise from the standard plane by applying a permuation with cycle type $1+1+2+3$ where the one of the transposed points is collinear with the two fixed points. Each compatible plane arises in $21$ ways by this construction, corresponding to $21$ choices of the two fixed points.
The above representations of the $8$ compatible planes correspond to composing the permutations $(3\,4)(5\,6\,7)$ and $(3\,4)(7\,6\,5)$ with each of the four automorphisms of the standard plane that stabilize $1$, $2$, and $3$.