I'm doing this limit:
$$-1/2\lim_{n\to\infty}\,{\frac {n\left( 2\,{{\rm e}^{2}} \left( {\frac {n+1}{n}} \right) ^{-2\,n}n-1-2\,n \right)}{n+1} } $$
I arrived to this from a bigger expression, and arrived at this point, according to maple, the limit is correctly done. The result (again, according to maple) is $-1/2$, so $$\lim_{n\to\infty}\,{\frac {n\left( 2\,{{\rm e}^{2}} \left( {\frac {n+1}{n}} \right) ^{-2\,n}n-1-2\,n \right)}{n+1} }=1.$$
But I've done it several times, and I have obtained $-1$ every time. Here's one of my tryings:
$$\lim_{n\to\infty}\,{\frac {n\left( 2\,{{\rm e}^{2}} \left( {\frac {n+1}{n}} \right) ^{-2\,n}n-1-2\,n \right)}{n+1} }$$
We have that
$$\,{{\rm e}^{2}} \left( {\frac {n+1}{n}} \right) ^{-2\,n}\to e^2e^{-2}=1$$
So $$\lim_{n\to\infty}\,{\frac {n\left( 2\,{{\rm e}^{2}} \left( {\frac {n+1}{n}} \right) ^{-2\,n}n-1-2\,n \right)}{n+1} }=\lim_{n\to\infty}\,{\frac {n\left( 2n-1-2\,n \right)}{n+1} }=\lim_{n\to\infty}\,{\frac {\left( -n \right)}{n+1} }=-1$$
It's obvious that I'm doing a mistake in one of those steps, but I'm not being able to find what it is.
Edit: this is from my analysis course, so I can't use Taylor to solve this limit.
Before the edit
I think that you went too fast.
Consider $$A=\left( {\frac {n+1}{n}} \right) ^{-2\,n}$$ Then $$\log(A)=-2n\log(1+\frac 1 n)=-2n\Big(\frac{1}{n}-\frac{1}{2 n^2}+\cdots \Big)=-2+\frac{1}{n}+\cdots$$ So $$A=e^{-2}e^{1/n}=e^{-2}\Big(1+\frac{1}{n}+\cdots \Big)$$
I am sure that you can take from here.