The classical Descartes-Soddy relationship between the signed curvatures $b_k$ ("b" for "bend") of 4 mutually tangent circles (Apollonian configuration):
$$\sum_{k=1}^4 b_k^2=\tfrac12 \left(\sum_{k=1}^4 b_k\right)^2\tag{1}$$
allows to obtain the curvature $b_4$, knowing $b_1,b_2,b_3$ by considering (1) as a quadratic equation in variable $b_4$. The fact that there are two solutions $b_4$ and $b'_4$ is in harmony with our experience. On fig. 1 below are represented 3 given mutually tangent circles in blue, and interior and exterior tangent circles to them in red).
Fig. 1.
From there, one obtains the radii $r_4=\tfrac{1}{|b_4|}$ and $r'_4=\tfrac{1}{|b'_4|}.$
But the centers $z_4$ and $z'_4$ (we work with complex notations) of the fourth circles are usually computed in a separate way.
In fact, the following unexpected formula (obtained only some 20 years ago) gives an easy way to obtain as well the centers of these circles:
$$\sum_{k=1}^4 (b_kz_k)^2=\tfrac12 \left(\sum_{k=1}^4 b_kz_k\right)^2\tag{2}$$
(please note the beautiful similarity with (1)!). One can find a proof of (2) with nD extensions by its discoverers in this well written document :
As before for relationship (1), $z_4$ is computed by considering (2) as a quadratic equation, this time with variable $z_4$ (or $b_4z_4$) giving the two centers $z_4$ and $z'_4$ (assuming that $b_4$ and $b'_4$ have been computed beforehand). See paragraph "complex Descartes theorem" in (
Using formulas (1) et (2), I am able to make a certain number of steps by iterating initial step (figure 1); here is for example a second step where 6 new circles have been added to figure 1:
Fig. 2.
In the upsaid arxiv document, one finds in particular this figure :
Fig. 3 : A so-called "Apollonian gasket".
where the numbers figuring inside the disks are their unsigned curvatures.
I would like to "programmaticaly" reproduce this figure or similar figures but I am facing the difficulty to understand/manage its underlying recursive structure. Has somebody a hint ?
Valuable references : Indra's pearls (see chapter 7) :
Other ones :
And these two from the same site:
Remark 1 : The authors of the text mentionned at the beginning have published it in American Mathematical Monthly one year later: Jeffrey C. Lagarias, Colin L. Mallows, and Allan R. Wilks, Beyond the Descartes circle theorem, Amer. Math. Monthly 109 (2002), no. 4, 338–361.
Remark 2 : The term "Circles of Apollonius" may be misleading ; there are other circles having this name as explained here.
Remark 3: There are strong connections with Farey sequences (see in particular the last figure of this article).
I wrote a Mathematica function to generate such gaskets, and the way it navigates the net of circles is based on a function that returns the indices of the $3$ predecessors for the circle with index $n$:
Pred[n_Integer] := If[n < 6, {1, 2, 3}, Module[{q = Quotient[n, 3] + 2, p}, p = Pred[q]; Append[ Switch[Mod[n, 3], 0, p[[{1, 2}]], 1, p[[{1, 3}]], 2, p[[{2, 3}]]], q]]]
The circles $1$-$5$ are easy to generate explicitly from the first $3$ curvatures, $a\lt0$ and $b,c\gt0$:
$\text{circle }1:\left(\left(-\frac1a,0\right),\frac1a\right)$
$\text{circle }2:\left(\left(\frac1b,0\right),\frac1b\right)$
$\text{circle }3:\left(\left(\frac{b-a}{(a+b)c},\frac{2\,\mathrm{Disc}(a,b,c)}{(a+b)c}\right),\frac1c\right)$
$\text{circle }4:\left(\left(\frac{b-a}{(a+b)d},-\frac{2\,\mathrm{Disc}(a,b,d)}{(a+b)d}\right),\frac1d\right)$
$\text{circle }5:\left(\left(\frac{b-a}{(a+b)e},\frac{2\,\mathrm{Disc}(a,b,e)}{(a+b)e}\right),\frac1e\right)$
where $\mathrm{Disc}(a,b,c)=\sqrt{ab+bc+ca}$.
Then circles $\ge6$ can be computed using
and a function that takes $3$ circles and returns the smaller circle touching all $3$:NextCircle[a_Circle, b_Circle, c_Circle] := Module[{wa, ka = Curv[a], wb, kb = Curv[b], wc, kc = Curv[c], kd}, kd = ka + kb + kc + 2 Disc[ka, kb, kc]; wa = ka Disc[kb, kc, kd]; wb = kb Disc[kc, kd, ka]; wc = kc Disc[kd, ka, kb]; Circle[(wa Cent[a] + wb Cent[b] + wc Cent[c])/(wa + wb + wc), 1/kd]]
returns the reciprocal of the radius of $c$ andCent[c]
returns the center of $c$.Here is the result for $(a,b,c)=(-9,14,26)$: