My book writes that when:
$dx = a(x,t)dt + b(x,t)dz$
$x' := x + dx$
Then using Ito's lemma: $E[F[x+ \Delta x, t + \Delta t \mid x)] = F(x,t) + [F_t(x,t) + a F_x + \frac{1}{2} b^2 F_{xx}] \Delta t + o(\Delta t)$.
Now I am not sure about two things:
How can Ito's lemma be used to say something about expectations - I thought it was just for functions
Where does the first term [$F(x,t)$] come from? I don't see it in Ito's lemma.
Thanks in advance!
It's simpler than you think. The expectation $\mathbb{E}\left[F(x+\Delta x,t+\Delta t)|x,t\right]$ is an expectation over all possible Brownian motions $z$. It will not depend on $z$ since we average over it realizations during the time $\Delta t$. So it should only depend on $\Delta t$. To obtain it, one has to expand $F$ to first order in time and to the second order in space. Taylor expansion yields, for any $\delta x$, $\delta t$ $$F(x+\delta x, t+\delta t)=F(x,t)+\partial_tF(x,t)\delta t+\partial_xF(x,t)\delta x+\frac12\partial_x^2F(x,t)\delta x^2+o(\delta t)+o(\delta x^2).$$ Now plug the $\Delta x$ obtained from the equation and compute the expectation. We have $\mathbb{E}[\Delta z]=0$ because $z$ is a Brownian motion. for the same reason $\mathbb{E}[(\Delta z)^2]=\Delta t$. Using $\Delta x=a \Delta t+b\Delta z$, you get the desired result. The $F(x,t)$ remains in first position because it is a constant with respect to $z$ so its average is equal to $F(x,t)$. The $(\Delta t)^2$ coming from $(\Delta x)^2$ is absorbed in the $o(\Delta t)$.