Suppose you have a convex polygon $P=\mathrm{conv}(\{(x_1,y_1),\dots, (x_k,y_k)\})$ and you stretch it in one dimension, that is, we choose $\alpha>1$ and get a new polygon $P^\alpha=\mathrm{conv}(\{(\alpha x_1,y_1),\dots, (\alpha x_k,y_k)\})$.
Is it true that you can translate and rotate $P$ to make it fit into $P^\alpha$?
This seems true to me, as you are somehow making it bigger and "keeping the shape", but I have no additional insight in how one could prove such a thing.
I think this hipothesis not true.
With a simple transformation we can make the stretch direction as parallel to X-axis. So, I draw two consecutive edges $A,B,C$ of a convex polygon, let's say they are at "north", and do a X-scale to get $D,E,F$:
As you can see, the original $ABC$ must be translated to $UEV$, by an horizontal distance $BE=d=\alpha·B_x-B_x=(\alpha-1)B_x$. It must be also rotated so $U,V$ be inner to $DEF$
The problem arises when you want to apply the same translation to the rest of vertices.
$BE$ must be the greatest distance of all possible-applied translations, otherwise other vertices will fall outside of the stretched polygon. This itself does not seem a great issue, just choose the biggest one. But it may be that that chosen distance is "$d_{max}>>d$; in this case translating $B$ with $d_{max}$ will make it to fall at the very right of $E=\alpha·B$
To get things worst, each translation has an associated rotation. The likelihood of any $translation, rotation$ pair fitted for one vertex, to be valid for the entire polygon is very low, zero in general.
It's also obvious that there are cases where such a pair can be obtained. For example the triangle in the image above.