Winding number theorem: If $J\subset \mathbb{C}$ is a Jordan curve and a point $z$ lies in its interior domain, then the winding number $n(J,z)=\pm 1$.
Now suppose that $J$ is smooth and we have the Jordan curve theorem. Is there any simple complex analysis proof for winding number theorem? I have found only tedious (non-analytical) proofs for the case of continuous curves.
EDIT: Possible proof should use the facts that in each component of $\mathbb{C}\setminus J$ the winding numer is constant, and winding number is zero in the unbounded component; Jordan curve theorem tells us that there are only two different components.
But I have no idea how to analytically conclude that $|n(J,z_{\text{inside}})-n(J,z_{\text{outside}})|=1.$
Look, for example, at pp. 85-91 of Guillemin and Pollack for a version of this valid for smooth hypersurfaces in $\Bbb R^n$.