English is not my native language and I'm neither a mathematician nor a statistican by trade so please excuse me if I fail to explain my problem in a concise way.
I'm trying to visualize a multivariate reference region of normally distributed measurements. A multivariate reference region can mathematically be described as an $n$-dimensional ellipsoid of the form: $$ (x-cx)'A(x-cx)=1 $$ where $cx$ is a $n \times 1$ vector representing the center of the ellipsoid and where the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of $A$ ($n \times n$ pos definite matrix) contains information on the orientation and semiaxis of the ellipsoid (wiki).
In order to present this I would like to plot the 2D intersection ellipse when $n-2$ positions of the vector $x$ is known. In the above equation $A$ and $cx$ will also be known.
Example: Let's say I have an multivariate reference region ($A$ and $cx$ known) for age, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure ($n=3$). Then I would like to plot the ellipse describing what systolic and diastolic blood pressure could be expected in subjects with the exact age of $60$ for instance. Then the vector $x=(60, s, d)$ where $s$ and $d$ are the unknowns describing the ellipse I want to visualize.
With the help of this article I've managed to find the orientation and dimensions of the 2D intersection ellipse of a 3-dimensional ellipsoid. It is, however, beyond me to generalize the solution into $n>3$ dimensions. One aspect that might simplify the problem is that the intersection plane will be perpendicular to the axes of the coordinate system.
Suggestions? Solutions? Anyone?
Assuming the first two components of $x$ are free we can have the quadratic form evaluated to \begin{align} 1 =& \, ((x_1, x_2, rx) - (cx_1, cx_2, rcx))^t A ((x_1, x_2, rx) - (cx_1, cx_2, rcx)) \\ =& \, a_{11} (x_1-cx_1)^2 + a_{22} (x_2 - cx_2)^2 + (a_{12} + a_{21}) (x_1-cx_1)(x_2 - cx_2) + \\ & ((a_{13}+a_{31}) (x_3 - cx_3) + \ldots + (a_{1n}+a_{n1}) (x_n-cx_n)) (x_1 - cx_1) + \\ & ((a_{23}+a_{32}) (x_3 - cx_3) + \ldots + (a_{2n}+a_{n2}) (x_n-cx_n)) (x_2 - cx_2) + \\ & \sum_{i,j \ge 3} a_{ij} (x_i-cx_i)(x_j-cx_j) \\ =& \, a (x_1-cx_1)^2 + b (x_2-cx_2)^2 + c (x_1-cx_1)(x_2-cx_2) + d (x_1 - cx_1) + e (x_2 - cx_2) + (f + 1) \end{align} The coefficients $a, b, c, d, e, f$ contain only known values (the $x$ vector coordinates $x_3$ to $x_n$, the center vector coordinates $cx_i$ and matrix components $a_{ij}$).
Introducing $u = x_1 - cx_1$ and $v = x_2 - cx_2$ the above equation turns into $$ a u^2 + b v^2 + c u v + d u + e v + f = 0 $$ which is the general form of a conic section in the $u, v$-plane, see conic sections.
If $b = a_{22} \ne 0$ we can try to solve for $v$: \begin{align} 0 &= v^2 + \left(\frac{c}{b} u + \frac{e}{b} \right) v + \frac{a}{b} u^2 + \frac{d}{b} u + \frac{f}{b} \\ &= \left( v + \frac{cu+e}{2b} \right)^2 - \left( \frac{cu+e}{2b} \right)^2 + \frac{a}{b} u^2 + \frac{d}{b} u + \frac{f}{b} \end{align} which gives $$ v = -\frac{cu+e}{2b}\pm\sqrt{\left( \frac{cu+e}{2b} \right)^2 - \frac{au^2 + du + f}{b}} $$