Is it against the definition of polygon for edges or vertices to overlap or being the same point or segment

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I think question shows what I'm after but I will try to add some more details. So there are two cases:

  1. I have a polygon ABCDEC'(A). C' is a different point to C, but on a plane has exactly the same coordinates as C.

  2. I have a polygon ABCDEC(A). C is a point on a plane which is used in the same polygon twice.

I couldn't find a definition which would prove those two to be incorrect. So my assumption is that they're perfectly valid polygons. Is it correct?


There are 2 best solutions below


Here is a picture from Wikipedia showing some polygons. Note that three of them self intersect at a point (more than once for the regular star). Now, this diagram is not rigid at all when it comes to naming polygons, but I would say most definitions would agree that they are all polygons.... it is entirely dependent on your definition though. It is assumed that if you construct a polygon as you do in your post that you allow for this to occur. It is more a case by case basis... in some cases it is useful to break up an intersecting polygon into multiple non-intersecting polygons, and in some cases it is better to leave the polygon as one unit. enter image description here


Try drawing out the points and the shapes themselves. If you draw out polygon 2 (i.e. draw points A-E and connect them as indicated), you'll see that this actually gives two shapes. So it's not necessarily against the definition of a polygon, but it does NOT produce a single polygon.