Is $\_ \otimes _R R / m$, for some maximal ideal $m$ of $R$ left exact?
I don't think so (vaguely, because given an injection $f : M \to N$, it is conceivable that $mN \cap M$ is larger than $mM$), but I can't think of a counter example.
Is $\_ \otimes _R R / m$, for some maximal ideal $m$ of $R$ left exact?
I don't think so (vaguely, because given an injection $f : M \to N$, it is conceivable that $mN \cap M$ is larger than $mM$), but I can't think of a counter example.
If $R$ is a von Neumann regular ring (e.g. $R=\mathbb F_2^{\mathbb N}$), then $R/m$ is $R$-flat for every maximal ideal $m$ of $R$.