You want to build a rectangular house with a maximal area. You are offered a square field of area 1, on which you plan to build the house. The problem is, there are $n$ rocks scattered in unknown locations throughout the field. The rocks are unmovable, and you cannot build on rocks. What is the largest area of a rectangle that you can build, in the worst case?
Formally: let $S_n$ be a set of $n$ points in the unit square. Define $\textrm{MaxArea}(S_n)$ as the maximum area of an axis-parallel rectangle in the unit square that does not contain, in its interior, any point in $S$. Define:
$$\textrm{MinMaxArea}(n) = \inf_{S_n} (\textrm{MaxArea}(S_n))$$
where the infimum is on all possible sets $S_n$ of $n$ points. What are good bounds on $\textrm{MinMaxArea}(n)$?
EXAMPLE: In the picture below, the unit square is scaled to a 100-by-100 square. There are $n=100$ rocks. Apparently, the largest possible rectangle that does not contain any rocks in its interior is a rectangle such as ABCD, whose area is $.06\times .58$, which is approximately $\frac{1}{4\sqrt{n}}$, so:
$$\textrm{MinMaxArea}(n) \leq \frac{1}{4\sqrt{n}}$$
Is there another arrangement of rocks in which the largest rectangle is smaller?
I dealt with this problem long ago. Here are my results. They are still unpublished, so I support an idea to write a joint paper.