Maple simplify a polynomial without using functions that uses gcd.

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Currently trying to find a way to simplify a polynomial in $x,y$ without using functions that uses gcd, eg. simplify(). And failing spectacularly.

$2 + 3*x + 3*x^3*y + 3*x*y - x^4*y^3 - x^3*y^4 - x^2*y^5 - x*y^6 - 3*x^4*y^2 - 2*x^3*y^2 - 2*x^2*y^3 - 2*x*y^4 + 2*y - 3*x^4*y + y^6/(y - 1) - x^5/(y - 1) - x^4/(y - 1) - x^3/(y - 1) - x^2/(y - 1) - x/(y - 1) - 1/(y - 1) + x^3*y^3/(y - 1) - x^5*y/(y - 1) + x^2*y^4/(y - 1) + x*y^5/(y - 1) - 2*y^5 - x^4 - y^2/(y - 1) - 2*y/(y - 1) - x^5*y^2 + 3*x^2*y + y^8/(y - 1) + 2*y^7/(y - 1) - 3*x^3*y^3 - 3*x^2*y^4 - 3*x*y^5 - 2*x^5*y + x^5*y^3/(y - 1) + x^4*y^4/(y - 1) + x^3*y^5/(y - 1) + x^2*y^6/(y - 1) + x*y^7/(y - 1) + x^5*y^2/(y - 1) + 2*x^4*y^3/(y - 1) + 2*x^3*y^4/(y - 1) + 2*x^2*y^5/(y - 1) + 2*x*y^6/(y - 1) - 2*x^4*y/(y - 1) - x^3*y^2/(y - 1) - 2*x^3*y/(y - 1) - x^2*y^2/(y - 1) - 2*x^2*y/(y - 1) - x*y^2/(y - 1) - 2*x*y/(y - 1) - x^5 - 2*y^6 + 3*x^3 + 3*x^2$

has degree 5 in x when in this form but should simplify to degree 3 with this form:

$y^6/(y - 1) - 4*x^3/(y - 1) - 4*x^2/(y - 1) - 4*x/(y - 1) - 3/(y - 1) + 2*x^3*y^3/(y - 1) + 2*x^2*y^4/(y - 1) + 2*x*y^5/(y - 1) + y^8/(y - 1) + 2*y^5/(y - 1) + 4*x^3*y^2/(y - 1) + 2*x^2*y^3/(y - 1) + 2*x*y^4/(y - 1) + 2*y^2*x^2/(y - 1) + 2*y^2*x/(y - 1) - 2*y/(y - 1) - 2*y*x^3/(y - 1) + y^2/(y - 1) - 2*x*y/(y - 1) - 2*y*x^2/(y - 1)$


There are 2 best solutions below


If p is your polynomial, then q := subs(1/(y-1)=z, p); will abstract out 1/(y-1) as z. Then you can manipulate it just like a polynomial, with all the usual tools. For example collect is very useful.

After playing around with it a lot, I'm pretty sure that you won't be able to obtain the above form without using some amount of gcd. For example, for q as above, the x^5 term is

y^3*z + y^2*z - y^2 - y*z - 2*y - z - 1

which isn't going to be 0 unless z = 1/(y-1).


A helper routine to get this sort of denominator out of individual terms in the sum. (Not bulletproof but works here.)

  local T,TT;
  if u::`*` then
                                           and op(2,p)<0)));
    return {1};
  end if;
end proc:

The original expression.


Now extract all the denominators of terms in the sum, uniquify in a set, and multiply together.



                       {1, y - 1}


                      GG := y - 1

Multiply all terms in the sum by that value, and expand each (fortuitously getting desired cancellation, for this particular example), then divide by that value.



This result matches the requested target.

