Assume $M$ is a W*-algebra such that the set of minimal projections is not empty. Let $z(M)$ be the supremum of all minimal projections in $M$. It is well-known that $z(M)$ is a central projection.
Let us consider the W*-algebra $M_0=z(M)M$. Let $q$ be a projection in $M_0$. Does the following statement hold? $$q=\textrm{sup}\{e: e ~\textrm{is a minimal projection}\}$$
I assume that what you mean is whether $q=r $, where $r=\sup\{e:\ e\leq q \text { and }e \text { minimal}\} $.
If $q\ne r $, then $q-r $ is a nonzero projection. If $f\leq q-r $ is a minimal projection, then $f\leq q $ and $r+f \geq r $, a contradiction. If $q-r $ dominates no minimal projection, then $z-(q-r) $ is the supremum of all mimimal projections, a contradiction. So $q=r $.