$a,b\in A$ are selfadjoint elements of $C^*$-algebras, such that $a\le b$, why is $\|a\|\le \|b\|$

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Let $A$ be a unital $C^\ast$-algebra with unit $1_A$.

a) Why is $a\le \|a\|1_A$ for all selfadjoint $a\in A$ and

b) If $a,b\in A$ are selfadjoint such that $a\le b$, why is $\|a\|\le \|b\|$?

I would try it with the continuous functional calculus $$\phi:C(\sigma(a))\to A,\; f\mapsto f(a),$$ for a) with $f(x)=|x|-x$, which is a positive function on $\sigma(a)\subseteq \mathbb{R}$, is it correct?

for b) It is $a\le \|a\|$ and $b\le \|b\|$, therefore $a\le \|b\|$. How can I continue?



There are 4 best solutions below


a) If $A=C(X)$, where $X$ is a compact Hausdorff space, for any $a,b\in A_{sa}$, $$ a\leq b \Leftrightarrow a(x) \leq b(x) \quad\forall x\in X $$ So if $f\in A_{sa}$ then , $f\leq \|f\|_{\infty}1_A$.

Now, if $a$ is self-adjoint, then $C^{\ast}(a,1_A)$ is abelian and unital, so by Gelfand's theorem, it is isomorphic to $C(X)$ for some compact Hausdorff $X$.

b) Now if $a \leq b$, then by (a), $a\leq \|b\|1_A$. Again look at the abelian $C^{\ast}$-algebra $C^{\ast}(a,1_A)$, and conclude that $\|a\| \leq \|b\|$

Edit: As @TrialandError points out below, part (b) only holds if $0 \leq a$ [it fails trivially even in a commutative $C^{\ast}$-algebra otherwise]


For a) you don't need functional calculus. Note that $\|a\|\,1_A-a$ is a selfadjoint with spectrum contained in $[0,\infty)$, so positive ($\sigma(a+k\,1_A)=\{\lambda+k:\ \lambda\in\sigma(a)$).

As stated, b) is not true: $-3<-2$, but $\|-2\|=2<\|-3\|$. It is true for positives, though. For $0\leq a \leq b$, we represent $A\subset B(H)$, then $$ \langle a\xi,\xi\rangle\leq\langle b\xi,\xi\rangle $$ for all $\xi\in H$. Then $$ \|a\|=\sup\{|\langle a\xi,\xi\rangle:\ \|\xi\|=1\} \leq \sup\{|\langle b\xi,\xi\rangle:\ \|\xi\|=1\} =\|b\|. $$ If you want to do this without representing, the same idea can be achieved using states.



The spectrum is not linear in general for several reasons.
So the trick is to reduce the inequality involving only the operator and the identity.


Spectral relations: $$\sigma(A+1)=\sigma(1)+\sigma(A)\quad\sigma(\lambda A)=\lambda\sigma(A)$$

By Neumann series: $$N^*N=NN^*:\quad\|\sigma(N)\|=\|N\|$$

By spectral relations: $$A=A^*:\quad-\|A\|1\leq A\leq\|A\|1$$

Both together give: $$0\leq A\leq B\implies 0\leq A\leq\|B\|1\implies0\leq\sigma(A)\leq\|B\|\implies\|A\|\leq\|B\|$$

Concluding the proof.


No need of continuous calculus - it is completely elementary!
The proof is based on the very definition of the ordering merely.


let A be a C*-algebra and a,x in A with 0≤xx*≤a. questions: 1- Put bn=(((1/n)+a)^(-1/2))(a^(1/4))x. show that (bn) is a cauchy sequence in A. 2- Show that the limit b in A satisfies x=(a^(1/4))b and ∥b∥≤∥a∥^(1/4)

for question 1- it is easy but for question 2- how i show that ∥b∥≤∥a∥^(1/4)?