Minimum sum of the squares

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Find the smallest value of the expression $$(x_1-x_2)^2+(x_2-x_3)^2+...+(x_{n-1}-x_n)^2+(x_n-x_1)^2,$$ if $x_1,x_2,...,x_n -$ pairwise different integers

My work so far: I have a hypothesis, that the answer is: $1+1+..+1+(n-1)^2=(n-1)+(n-1)^2=(n-1)n$,

but I do not know how to prove it


There are 3 best solutions below


Building off of gammatester's counterexample, it looks like a correct conjecture might be to run up the odds and down the evens, e.g.,


Note that no matter how you arrange the numbers, the average difference between (circularly) consecutive numbers is always $0$, so in a sense what you're trying to do is find an arrangement that minimizes the variance. I.e., if you fix a circular arrangement and let $X$ be the random variable for the difference between a randomly chosen pair of consecutive numbers, then $V(X)=E(X^2)-E(X)^2=E(X^2)-0$.


Your hypothesis is wrong, look e.g. at $n=4$. Your formula will give the sum $3\times 4 = 12$. But if you take $x_1\dots x_4 = 1,3,4,2\;$ the sum is $2^2 + 1^2 + 2^2 + 1^2 = 10$


For the integers from $1$ to $n$ you can make two differences $1$ and all other differences $2$ by arranging the numbers as:-

$$..., 5,3,1,2,4,6....$$ with $n$ eventually reached on one side or another.

This gives a total of $4n-6$.

Note that there is no loss of generality in assuming that integers are from $1$ to $n$ because:

they can be translated until the smallest $x_i$ is $1$;

if the largest $x_i$ were greater than $n$ then we could simply reduce $2f$ by subtracting 1 from some of the larger $x_i$ without making two of the $x_i$ equal.


In general, we have two chains of numbers from $1$ to $n$ and therefore we have $n$ integers (the differences) such that$$d_1+d_2+...+d_n=2(n-1) \;\;\;\;(1)$$ and we wish to prove that $$d_1^2+d_2^2+...+d_n^2\ge 4n-6.$$

We can assume the $d_i$ are non-negative. Suppose two of the $d_i$ were $a$ and $b$ where $b\ge a+2$. Then replacing $a$ and $b$ by $a+1$ and $b-1$ decreases the sum of squares.

Therefore, for the minimum, the $d_i$ can only take two values which differ by $1$. From equation (1) these values must be $1$ and $2$ giving the above solution.