Minimal surface with radially symmetrical function

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The following image is from the book "Regularity Theory for Mean Curvature Flow", by Ecker.

enter image description here

I consider the plateau problem, whose goal is to solve minimal surface given fixed boundary values.

In the case of radially symmetrical case, I wonder what shape the minimal surface is if

the boundary is $u(x)=f(r)=b$ when $r$ is the largest radius.

For example, if I implement this by using gradient descent, I set the following as initial guess:

the boundary value: $f(r_{end})=1$ and other values $f(r)=0$,

what shape the minimal surface should it be?

The following figure is an intermediate result of my implementation. The x axis denotes 'r' (from 0 to 1) and the y axis denotes $f(r)$. Does this result make sense?

enter image description here