Number of solutions to Pell-type equation $k(x^2-2y^2) = d$

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Given equation $$k(x^2-2y^2) = d$$

Where d is a constant. k,x,y are variables. All are positive integers.

Is there some characterization for the values of d for which there are unique solutions, multiple solutions or no solutions? If this is unsolved, then any tips towards studying this topic would be appreciated. Thanks.


So the original equation multiplied by k is:


and substituting $X=kx$ and $Y=ky$ and $Z=kd$

we have


Does this help?


There are 1 best solutions below


If there is a solution then there are infinitely many solutions. If $a$ and $b$ are so that $a^2-2b^2=1$ (of which there are infinitely many), and $x,y,k$ are solutions to $k(x^2-2y^2)=d$, then $n=ax+2by$ and $m=ay+bx$ will also satisfy $k(n^2-2m^2)=d$.

This is because $1=a^2-2b^2=(a+\sqrt{2}b)(a-\sqrt{2}b)$ and $(a+\sqrt{2}b)(x+\sqrt{2}y)=n+\sqrt{2}m$. You can use this to shows show that $$ (n+\sqrt{2}m)(n-\sqrt{2}m)= (a^2-2b^2)(x^2-2y^2)\\ $$ Which is equal to $\frac{d}{k}$. But this also equals $n^2-2m^2$. So if there is a solutions, there are infinitely many.