The sequence $[1,5,45,441,4361,...]_{k\ge 0}$ has a relatively simple recursion formula; I got for the recursion
$$a_0=1, \qquad a_1=5, \qquad a_{k+2}= 10 a_{k+1} - 1 a_k - 4 $$
I have also found, that the Binet-like expression $$ f(n) = { (5+\sqrt{5^2-1})^n-(5-\sqrt{5^2-1})^n\over \sqrt{5^2-1}} $$
is related to the sequence, however I don't get the correct form - perhaps it is because of the constant term $-4$ in the recursion.
Q1: How must I proceed to get from the known recursion-formula to the correct Binet-type formula?
I have a second sequence, very similar; it is $[1, 8, 105, 1456, 20273, 282360,...]_{k \ge 0}]$ , with the recursion $$b_0=1, \qquad b_1=8, \qquad b_{k+2}= 14 b_{k+1} - 1 b_k - 6 $$
Of course I want the same type of expression here, but if I've understood the way of proceeding I surely can do it myself.
However I have a second intention, perhaps it is not at all doable by this (the problem stems from a self-study on the Pell-equation problem):
Q2: Is there a realistic option to show by this, that except for the first elements the sequences $a_k $ and $b_j$ have no more element in common?
Forget about the initial conditions for a while. The given inhomogeneous equation has as one of its solutions $a_n^\ast=\frac{1}{2}$. This is easily found by letting $a_i=c$ in the recurrence and solving for $c$.
The general solution of the homogeneous recurrence (get rid of the $4$) is $$A \alpha^n +B\beta^n,$$ where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are the roots of $x^2-10x+1=0$ and $A$ and $B$ are arbitrary constants. Note that $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are close relatives close relatives of numbers in the OP. Finally, the general solution of the inhomogeneous equation is $$a_n=A\alpha^n+B\beta^n+\frac{1}{2}.$$ To find $A$ and $B$, use the initial conditions $a_0=1$, $a_1=5$.
Remark: The same technique will work for the second sequence $(b_n)$. The question about common elements is interesting, and may be difficult. I would guess that the closed forms for $(a_n)$ and $(b_n)$ will not help to answer the question.