Percentile Symbol - does it exist or not?

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Is there a standard symbol for percentile in mathematics, much like % is used for percentage? I have trying to get the right answer but only getting conflicting answers and logic.


There are 2 best solutions below


As Neil mentions in his comment $P_i$ is a common notation to denote the $i$-th percentile.

The Wikipedia page on Percentile doesn't actually mention the notation as far as I can see but denotes quartiles as $Q_1$, $Q_2$, and $Q_3$ several times and from this it's logical that percentiles would be denoted by $P_i$ (and likewise other quantiles with their respective character in the same way).

A real world example of this notation (even if it's not subscript) is how you request percentiles in the Amazon CloudWatch API which follows the pattern p(\d{1,2}(\.\d{0,2})?|100) - or p5 for the 5th percentile, p70 for the 70th percentile, p50.36 for the 50.36th percentile, and p100 for the maximum value.


If you want to specify the vector (i.e. vector C) and the percentile (i.e. 95), then you may write: percentile(C,95).