Let D(n,m) be the probability that a multiset of n dice results will be a submultiset of m dice results.
Multiset indicates repeats are counted: If n=3, {3,3,4} is a submultiset of {3,3,4,5,6} but not of {3,4,5,6}.
The following exact formulas for n=1,2,3 agree with simulation but I would like some way to calculate D(n,m) for n>3 more accurately than simulation.
Ideas? Possibly using generating functions- I'm not sure?
D(1,m)= 1-(5/6)^m
D(2,m)= (1/6)(1-(5/6)^m-m(5/6)^(m-1)(1/6)) +(5/6)(1-2*(5/6)^m+(4/6)^m)
D(3,m)= (1/6)^2*(1-(5/6)^m-m*(5/6)^(m-1)(1/6)-COMBIN(m,2)(5/6)^(m-2)(1/6)^2) +(15/36)(1-2*(5/6)^m-m*(5/6)^(m-1)(1/6)+(5/6)^m((4/5)^m+m*(4/5)^(m-1)(1/5))) +(5/6)(4/6)(1-3(5/6)^m+3*(4/6)^m-(3/6)^m)
Too long for a comment:
Perhaps you could extend your question to $D(n,m,s)$ being the probability that the multiset of results from rolling $n$ $s$-sided dice is a submultiset of the results from rolling $m$ other $s$-sided dice.
If $\displaystyle Q(a,d,s)={d \choose a}\frac{(s-1)^{d-a}}{s^d}$ is the probability that $d$ $s$-sided dice show a pre-specified value $a$ times, then I think you have $$\displaystyle D(n,m,s) = \sum_{a=0}^n \sum_{b=a}^m Q(a,n,s) \,Q(b,m,s) \,D(n-a,m-b,s-1)$$ with $D(n,m,s)=0$ when $n \gt m$ and $D(n,m,1)=1$ when $0 \le n \le m$.
This recursion seems to give the following probabilities for $6$-sided dice:
and the row starting "
2 0 0.0000000 0.05092593 0.12808642
" has the same values as given by your $D(2,m)$ formula, which is encouraging.For what it is worth, here is some R code for the recurrence: