I'm in an argument with a friend over rolling a dice several times, for example rolling 5 times. His argument is, that is far more difficult to roll out 1-1-1-1-1 than any other combination (for example 1-5-2-4-3) as the results of the rolls distribute in a Gauss manner so the edges are somehow less probable. His arguments have to do with Bayes theory. My intuition tells just the opposite since the dices have no memmory and one roll isn't conditioned by the latter, so any combination is equally probable. I know that dices are a very recurrent topic here but I haven't found an straight answer to my question...
In the final terms it seems is a discussion of the Bayessian against frequentist approaches to probabilistics. We're not going to solve it today... I abandon you since we have a duel at twelve o'clock in the church yard.
EDIT As I'm seeing many comments and answers here I would like to point out that the discussion is about combinations WITHOUT PERMUTATIONS, that is 12345 is different of 54321. Furthermore, I said 5 rolls to put a concrete example, but what we were discussing was for a large number of rolls (take large as the number you want...)
Keep in mind that since dice events are independent and each die is a fair die (no side is more likely than the other), rolling one die multiple times is equivalent to rolling multiple dice all at once.
So, whether rolling a die $n$ times, or $n$ dice at once, each permutation is as likely as the next. For five six-sided dice there are $6^5$ possible outcomes. Of those $7776$ possibilities only one is five 1's. That is roughly a 0.0129% chance of rolling five 1's.
Any other sequence has the same probability. Five 2's, five 3's, five 4's, five 5's, all 6's, 1-2-3-4-5-6, 6-5-4-3-2-1, 1-3-2-4-5-6, 1-4-2-3-5-6, etc. all have a 0.0129% chance.
But if only the combination matters (any order -- like a poker hand) and not the permutation (a specific order -- like a combination lock) you should see why $n$ of any kind is so much rarer. There are multiple ways to roll some combinations.
That is why the odds in Craps are distributed the way they are. Sevens are the most common dice combination. Snake eyes and boxcars are the least common.
Rolling dice is a discrete distribution, while the normal distribution, AKA the Gaussian distribution, is continuous by definition. The distribution is technically binomial, which approximates the normal distribution as n gets large.
So while your friend is right that dice COMBINATION probabilities approximate the Gaussian distribution, you are also correct that each PERMUTATION of dice are equally as likely. It is hard to think of a real life example where dice permutations are used. If anyone knows of any I would be interested to learn about them.