The given sequence is: $$ a_1 = 1; \quad a_{n+1} = \frac{2a_n}{n+1} $$ $n$ is natural. What is the limit if $n\to\infty$? Please help!
2025-01-12 19:15:06.1736709306
Problem with limit of recursive sequence having the actual index "n" in denominator.
53 Views Asked by Próba At
I find that, whenever there is an $n$ or $n+1$ in a recurrence, throwing a $n!$ or $(n+1)!$ somewhere usually helps.
You have $a_{n+1} = \frac{2a_n}{n+1} $.
If we multiply by $(n+1)!$, this becomes $(n+1)!a_{n+1} = 2n!a_n $. (Note that multiplying by $n!$ or dividing by $n!$ do not work.)
Letting $b_n =n!a_n $, we get $b_{n+1} =2b_n $, which you should be able to solve.
Then get $a_n$ by $\frac{b_n}{n!} $.