$G$ is a $s$ regular graph.
$A$ is a set of vertices where $|A| = s$ and $A \subseteq G$.
$E$ is the number of edges of $G$.
$n$ is the total number of vertices of $G$.
Problem: Find the lower bound of $E$ so that induced graph $G-\{A\} $ has a $(r+1)$ clique where $r>1$.
Proposed Solution: Turan’s theorem states that n-vertex simple graphs with no $(r + 1)$-cliques, then the number of edges
$E \leq (1 -\frac{1}{r}) \frac{n^2}{2}$
$E > (1 -\frac{1}{r}) \frac{n^2}{2}$
Then for that particular $G$ with such $E$, ensures, for any arbitrary $A$ , $G-\{A\} $ has a $(r+1)$ clique where $r>1$.
Question: 1. Is the proposed solution correct?
Is the proposed solution ‘rigorous’?
Is there an alternative way to prove (also the case if the proof is incorrect)?