I have been struggling to find the general solution of the following BVP of reaction-diffusion equation: $$\frac{\partial N}{\partial t}=\frac{\partial^2 N}{\partial x^2}+N(1-N)-\sigma N$$ $$N(0,x)=N_0(x)$$ $$N(t,0)=\alpha \hspace{2mm}, N(t,L)=\beta; t>0,0<x<L$$
I am trying to have some mathematical analysis to find stability of this problem from this BVP.And analyse the bifurcation digram.I linearized the PDE and found the fixed points $(N_{1}^*,N_{2}^*)=(0,0)\hspace{2mm} and\hspace{2mm} (N_{1}^*,N_{2}^*)=(1-\sigma)$.
For $(N_{1}^*,N_{2}^*)=(0,0)$ the eigenvalues are $\lambda_{1,2}=\frac{-c\pm\sqrt{c^2-4(1-\sigma)}}{2}$ which is asymptotically stable.For $(N_{1}^*,N_{2}^*)=(1-\sigma,0)$ the eigenvalues are $\lambda_{1,2}=\frac{-c\pm \sqrt{c^2+4(1-\sigma)}}{2}$
But what I really need is that how can I get a general solution from this BVP which satisfies the boundary condition? I tried both the separation of variable method and fourier sine function but I failed completely. I seems hard for me.And can I easily have general solution from eigenvalues?I really need help!
The equation is quadratic in N. There is no time indepent solution, so the search for eigenfunctions is probably useless.
But one can set up a solution scheme by expanding in products of $e^{-\lambda t} f_\lambda(x) $
$$\ \ \text{pd}(f) = \partial_t f- \partial_{x,x} f -N(1-N)- \sigma N $$
$$ -f''(x)-\lambda f(x)-f(x),\ \ f(x)^2-g''(x)-2 \lambda g(x)-g(x), \ \ 2 f(x) g(x),g(x)^2,\ \ 0, \ \ 0$$
demonstrating, that the series can be solved serially.
$$\left( \begin{array}{c} 0 \\ -g''(x)-2 \lambda g(x)-g(x)+c_1{}^2 e^{2 \sqrt{-\lambda -1} x}+c_2{}^2 e^{-2 \sqrt{-\lambda -1} x}+2 c_2 c_1 \\ 2 c_1 g(x) e^{\sqrt{-\lambda -1} x}+2 c_2 g(x) e^{\sqrt{-\lambda -1} (-x)} \\ g(x)^2 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ \end{array} \right)$$
You get a series in $\exp^{-i n \ \sqrt (1 + \lambda) }$ by their coefficient isolation.
The exponentials in $t$ are independent. Their coefficients have to vanish each .
This gives you a Fourier series in the $x$ - exponentials . Numerically at least, not a problem . The roots of $\lambda$ are imaginary, so the constant coefficients can be determined to match the start distribution a $t = 0$. Replace $\lambda$ by $1 + k^2$