$$\min_{x^Tx=1} x^TAx-c^Tx$$
looks like a simple QPQC problem. If $A$ is positive semi-definite, can I get the solution by first getting $x=A^{-1}c$ and then projecting $x:=\dfrac{x}{\|x\|}$ to make sure $x^Tx=1$.
I hope to solve the problem using gradient descent method without solving any eigen-system problems. Any references related to this problem are also helpful.
I'll do it without having to invert $A$, so no Newton's method. Also, KKT won't help you because the equality constraint is not convex.
When all else fails: do projected gradient descent. Here's some pseudo code for minimizing $f(x) = \langle x, Ax + c \rangle$ s.t. $||x||=1$.
Here's a plot of the iterates for a random $A$ and $c$ that I did quickly using backtracking to choose $\tau$ using initial point $\sqrt{2}(1,1).$
The solver behaves very nicely for a random PSD matrix $A$,