I'm trying to get my head around infinite descent proofs for Diophantine equations and I was trying to apply it to a problem, and as you can see, I am struggling with it. Consider the identity $$3a^2 + 3ab + b^2 - p^3 = 0$$
I also know that $a$ and $b$ are coprime, as are $p$ and $b$. I think from this I can infer $a$ and $p$ are coprime too. The trivial solutions that I found are $a = b = p = 0$ and $a = 0, b = p = 1$. But beyond this, I don't think there are further solutions in the positive integers, and I'd like to prove or disprove this.
I think infinite descent might work as a general method here, but I'm struggling with it so far. All I've shown is that $p$ must be odd, and $p = 3K +1$ as neither $p$ nor $b$ is divisible by $3,$ and $p^3\pmod 3\equiv 1$ to match $b^2\pmod 3 \equiv 1$. If anyone knows how to proceed with a proof (or counterproof) of this identity, I would appreciate the pointers!
$$3 \cdot 17^2 + 3 \cdot 17 \cdot 19 + 19^2 - 13^3 = 0$$