Let $X$ be a Banach space, and let $E$ be a dense subspace of $X$. Let $A: X \to X$ be a bounded operator on $X$ that maps $E$ to itself. Assume that the spectral radius of $A$ restricted to $E$ is $r>0$. Is it true that the spectral radius of $A$ on $X$ is equal to $r$ (or can it "jump up")?
Edit (precisions) I am assuming that $E$ is a linear vector space, and that the spectral radius of $A$ on $E$ is equal to a finite $r>0$. I am asking if this implies that the spectral radius of $A$ on $X$ is at most $r$.
$X=R^2=Vect\{e_1,e_2\}$, $A(e_1)=e_1, A(e_2)=2e_2$, $E=R^2-Re_2$. The spectrum of $A$ restricted to $E$ is $1$ and the spectrum of $A$ is $\{1,2\}$.