I am working on the following problem:
Suppose that $\varphi(t)$ is the characteristic function for some random variable.
Show that $|\varphi(t)|^2$ is a characteristic function. For what random variable?
So I know that $\varphi(t)=E\left(e^{itX}\right)$
Also I get that $|\varphi(t)|^2=\varphi(t) \overline{\varphi(t)}=E\left(e^{itX}\right)\overline{E\left(e^{itX}\right)}=E\left(e^{itX}\right)E\left(e^{-itX}\right).$
Here I get stuck trying to continue the calculation.
Any help would be appreciated!
If $X$ and $Y$ are independent then: $$\phi_{X+Y}(t)=\phi_X(t)\phi_Y(t)$$
If $Y$ and $-X$ have the same distribution then: $$\phi_Y(t)=\overline{\phi_X(t)}$$