Show that $\sigma(AB) \cup \{0\} = \sigma(BA) \cup \{0\}$ in general, and that $\sigma(AB) = \sigma(BA)$ if $A$ is bijective.
I studied the associative statement of this somewhere but it did not include the zeroth element. If you assume the bijection, how can you show the first part?
My attempt
Let show that $A$ commutes with $B$ which is self-adjoint linear operatar such that $AB = BA$. \begin{equation*} AB = A^{\ast} B^{\ast} = (BA)^{\ast} = (ABA)^{\ast} = A^{\ast} B^{\ast} A^{\ast} = ABA = BA. \end{equation*} In general, the zeroth element follows directly in the left-hand-side if $A$ is bijective. $\square$
- not sure if $\sigma$ should be carried along; I was reading Kreuzig for the application
How can you show the first part with the zeroth element?
Let $\lambda \in \sigma(AB)$, $\lambda \ne 0$ be given. Then, $AB - \lambda \, I$ is (boundedly) invertible. By a simple calculation, you can verify $$(BA - \lambda)^{-1} = \lambda^{-1} \, \Big(I - B \,(AB-\lambda)^{-1} \, A\Big),$$ see also the Sherman–Morrison-Woodbury formula. Hence, $\lambda \in \sigma(BA)$. This shows the first claim.
For the case that $A$ is invertible, you can use the argument by Martin Argerami.