A friend of mine and I have been exchanging and solving math puzzles and this is the last one:
A triangle is formed by three points on a plane, whose $x$ and $y$ coordinates are $N(0,1)$ random variables. Prove that the area of the triangle is also normally distributed and find the mean and variance.
Any help greatly appreciated!
Let the vertices of the triangle be random variables
$x = (X_1,X_2)$
$y = (Y_1,Y_2)$
$z = (Z_1,Z_2)$
If we translate the triangle to put $x$ at the origin the area doesn't change. We can do this in general, and it means finding the area of the random triangle with vertices. . .
$x' = (0,0)$
$y' = (Y_1-X_1,\ Y_2-X_2) = (Y'_1,Y'_2)$
$z' = (Z_1-X_1,\ Z_2-X_2) = (Z'_1, Z'_2)$
Then each of the random variables $Y'_1,Y'_2,Z'_1,Z'_2$ is $N(0, \sqrt 2)$ because of how normal distributions behave under sums/differences.
Then you could apply the formula for the area of a triangle with vertices at $(0,0), (a,b), (c,d)$. The area is given by $\Delta = \frac{1}{2} |ad-cb|$. So the area of the random triangle has distribution $\frac{1}{2} |Y_1' Z_2' - Y_2' Z'_1| = \frac{1}{2} |(Y_1-X_1) (Z_2-X_2) - (Y_2-X_2) (Z_1-X_1)|$.
Can you compute the mean and variance of that?