I was wondering if anybody could help me with plotting my Fourier Series in MATLAB. I've had a go at it and I don't believe I have arrived at the correct answer. I've plotted the expanded result fine but I can't seem to plot the result with the $\sum$ in it. I'm attempting to get the 3rd-order approximation for: $$e^{-t}$$
The following is my result which I believe is fine:
$$\frac{sinh(π)}{π} + \frac{2sinh(π)}{π} \sum_{n=1}^3 \frac{(-1)^n}{n^2+1} (cos(nt) + nsin(nt))$$
and the following is my MATLAB code so far:
t = -pi:0.1:0;
x = exp(-t);
axis([-6 6 -5 25])
hold on
t = 0:0.1:pi;
y = exp(-t);
t = -pi:0.1:pi;
f = sinh(pi)/pi;
for n = 1:3
sinterm = (sin(n*t)*n*(((-1)^n))/(n^2 + 1));
if n/2 == round(n/2)
costerm = 0;
costerm = (cos(n*t)*(((-1)^n))/(n^2 + 1));
f = f + 2*(sinh(pi)/pi)*(sinterm + costerm);
If someone could point out an error in my code or fix it up so that my approximation actually works, it would be greatly appreciated.
I don't really know the background on why looking for Fourier transform for a non-periodic function, but it seems the result you got is what you can really get.
On a separate note, I always find that using anonymous functions in Matlab makes these things a lot easier. With your example: