What are all the finite transitive sets?

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In set theory, we come across the definition of an ordinal as a well-ordered transitive set. And then we show that $\omega$ and all its elements are ordinals.

My question whether there are finite transitive sets which are not ordinals. Also, whether we know all the finite transitive sets.


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Yes, there are finite transitive sets which are not ordinals. For example, take $X = \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}, \{\{\emptyset\}\}\}$.

You can check quickly that $X$ is transitive, but it is not an ordinal, since it is not linearly ordered under $\in$. We have $\emptyset\not\in \{\{\emptyset\}\}$ and $\{\{\emptyset\}\}\not\in\emptyset$. Of course, the only ordinal of size $3$ is $3 = \{0,1,2\} = \{\emptyset,\{\emptyset\},\{\emptyset,\{\emptyset\}\}\}$.

As for your second question, every set has a transitive closure, and the transitive closure of $X$ is finite if and only if $X$ is hereditarily finite. So the finite transitive sets are exactly the transitive closures of hereditarily finite sets. I don't think you're going to find a more concrete characterization than that, unfortunately.