For certain small groups, it is easy (and desirable) to classify closed (and orientable if necessary) 3-manifolds with that group as their fundamental group. (Essentially due to Waldhausen is that for "large" 3-manifold groups, indecomposable under free product, the 3-manifold is determined up to homeomorphism by its fundamental group, though this was only proved in full generality after geometrization. Large means, precisely, infinite and not $\Bbb Z$).
For finite groups, as a corollary of elliptization, $\Bbb Z/p$ only appears as the fundamental group of lens spaces $L(p,q)$, and one can classify the other finite fundamental groups (before elliptization this was harder and one could only classify up to connected sum with a homotopy sphere.) as having either at most two manifolds per group (and precisely what they are).
$\Bbb Z$ is the simplest infinite group I know. What's the classification of closed 3-manifolds with fundamental group $\Bbb Z$?
The first argument of your proof sounded a little familiar to me, and I realized I saw it in Hempel. So for a maybe more citeable reference and also some other infinite non-$\mathbb Z$ examples, let me just add this answer, if this is fine:
Chapter 5. of Hempel's 3-manifolds book talks about free fundamental groups. Theorem 5.2. states:
Theorem Let $M^3$ be a prime, compact manifold with free fundamental group. Then $M$ is either a bundle $S^2 \to M \to S^1$ or a cube with handles (not necessarily orientable).
Your question spefically asked about $\mathbb Z$ which the theorem answers, but also in the proof you see where it comes in: when he cuts along a non-disk bounding sphere, he necessarily gets something connected with reduced fundamental group rank.