What is a good language to represent a mathematical formulas as code?
I am interested in representing my math formulas in various documents so that they can easily implemented in various programming languages.
This is important to me because in addition to representing the formula in the usual mathematical notation, I would like to represent it using a modeling or markup language that is not overly verbose (i.e. without to many unnecessary tags and thing of that nature ... I would like it to readable and intuitive). This way a software developer can translate the model representation into a software implementation (C, Matlab, Java, etc.)
For instance if I have a functions like:
G = ∫∫ xy^2dydyx
y = x^2 - x - 6
Is there a good (markup or modeling) language that can represent a mathematical formula as code?
I do not want to use MathML because it is overly verbose. I would like some kind of language that is perhaps more readable.
I want to create a library of mathematical formulas (that I commonly use) and represent them in a form that lends itself to software implementation (from the math friendly language).
This is an old question but I'd suggest you first look at TeXmacs. I believe it takes LaTeX and runs the operations on it.
Also have a look at Python's module called Sympy. It's not strictly the same as what you'd enter using mathematical symbols, but converting some of the syntax to Sympy's extensive options will allow you to symbolically manipulate this.
Alternatively, there are also commercial products called Mathematica and Maple which also provide symbolic manipulation.
The key word you want to research is Computer Algebra System or CAS
Here is Wikipedia's list of CASs.