If the norm is induced by an inner product, then:
where the second equality holds from the fact that if the norm is induced from an inner product, then $||Ax||=||x||$ for any orthogonal matrix $A$. Similarly, since $A^{-1}$ is also orthogonal we get $||A^{-1}||=1$ and thus $cond(A)=||A||\cdot||A^{-1}|| = 1 \cdot 1=1$.
Is this true that $cond(A) = 1$ for any orthgonal matrix $A$ for general norms too?
No. Two counterexamples:
However, if $\|\cdot\|$ is a unitarily invariant induced norm, then $\|A\|=\|I\|=\max_{x\ne0}\frac{\|Ix\|}{\|x\|}=1$ for every real orthogonal matrix $A$. Hence the condition number of $A$ is $1$ in this case.