I was wondering at which decimal place $\pi$ first repeats itself exactly once.
So if $\pi$ went $3.143141592...$, it would be the thousandth place, where the second $3$ is.
To clarify, this notion of repetition means a pattern like abcdabcdefgh...
If you took a random $x \in [0,1]$, the probability that its first $n$ decimal digits are equal to its next $n$ decimal digits is $10^{-n}$. The probability that this occurs for some $n \ge N$ would be less than $\sum_{n=N}^{\infty} 10^{-n} = 10^{1-N}/9$. In particular, if it doesn't happen in the first million digits, it's extremely unlikely to ever happen. Now $\pi$ is not random, so this is only a heuristic when applied to its digits, but ...