who pioneered the study of the sedenions?

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The nature of this question is pure historical curiosity.

I found lots of background information about the discovery of both Imaginary and Complex Numbers, and enough information about the first two types of Hyper Complex Numbers; Quaternions and Octonions (also known as Cayley Numbers).

However, I haven't found who were the mathematicians that pioneered the study of the sedenions.

It is known that this can be achieved today through the Cayley-Dickson doubling process.

This question is not about the usefulness of the sedenions, or the operations that are allowed on them, but who pioneered their study and when. This is a historical question.


There are 2 best solutions below


On Bibliography of Quaternions and Allied Mathematics by Alexander Macfarlane I found this:

On page 72; James Byrnie Shaw 1896 Sedenions (title). American Assoc. Proc., 45, 26.

I couldn't find this reference, but the same author wrote this book: Synopsis of Linear Associative Algebra: A Report on its Natural Development and Results Reached up to the Present Time. 1907. From its Table of Contents; Part II: Particular Algebras. Section XVIII: Triquaternions and Quadriquaternions. Page 91.

Early on Sedenions were also known as "quadriquaternions".

Section XIX: Sylvester Algebras. Page 93. Covers "Nonions" (9-ions), and "Sedenions" (16-ions). Here the Sedenions are attributed to James Joseph Sylvester.

On page 76; James Joseph Sylvester 1883-4 On quaternions, nonions, sedenions, etc. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., 3. Nos. 7 and 9. 4, No. 28.

This second reference can be found among The Collected Mathematical Papers of James Joseph Sylvester, [Volume IV(1882—1897)]:

Sylvester, James Joseph (1973) [1904], Baker, Henry Frederick (ed.), The collected mathematical papers of James Joseph Sylvester, IV, New York: AMS Chelsea Publishing, ISBN 978-0-8218-4238-6

Then, as far as I understood, James Joseph Sylvester appears on the literature as the proponent of two Algebras; the one from the Nonions and the Sedenions. I will leave as an open question for the community to confirm, correct, or debunk that J.J. Sylvester "discovered" or "was the pioneer" of their study in 1883.


Here is an early reference. The term sedenion is not used in this paper, but the Cayley-Dickson process is used to produce algebras with dimension a power of $2$ (including 16).

R. D. Schafer, On the algebras formed by the Cayley-Dickson process, Amer. J. Math. 76 (1954), 435-446.