Let $p$ be an odd prime. Why is $\gcd(2^p + 1,3^p + 1) = 1$ ?
I tried using Fermat's little and $\gcd(a+b,a) = \gcd(a,b)$ but without success.
I can make a statistical argument that suggests there are only a finite number of solutions.
But I do not like to use statistics in number theory. It has a bad reputation. ( example naive probably for Fermat primes vs Mersenne primes ).
I also had the impression
$$\gcd(2^{5n} + 1,3^{5n} + 1) = 1$$
For most positive integers $n$.
Im not sure if it helps but we can remove a few factors to arrive at
$$\gcd(\frac{2^p + 1}{3},\frac{3^p + 1}{4}) = 1$$
Would using p-adics help ?
Would it have value as an additional primality test in combination with Fermat's primality test ?
A CAS tells me $$\gcd(2^{83}+1,3^{83}+1)=499$$ So the claim is false. It happens to be true for many primes $p$, but that is just because of the abundance of possible divisors available for large numbers like $2^{p}+1$ and $3^{p}+1$, and the consequent unlikelihood of an overlap. And yet it's not impossible to have overlap, as with $p=83$.
(Looks like @rogerl beat me to the counter example in the comments.)
This Sage code lists all the primes less than the $N$th prime where the $\gcd$ is larger than $1$:
You can enter this here, for instance: https://sagecell.sagemath.org