So I'm reading about adjoint functors and I've seen that if $F$ is left adjoint to $G$ and $\epsilon$ is the counit of the adjunction then the following diagram is commutative:
Where $\phi$ is the natural isomorphism yielding the adjunction and $\epsilon_A$ is the counit.
Could anyone explain why this diagram commutes?
Thanks very much!
For $f:A \to B$ in $\mathbf{A}$, consider the diagram $$\begin{CD} \mathbf{A}(FGA,A) @>{\phi}>> \mathbf{X}(GA,GA)\\ @VVV @VVV \\ \mathbf{A}(FGA,B) @>{\phi}>> \mathbf{X}(GA,GB) \end{CD}$$ which commutes by naturality of $\phi$. Then take $\epsilon \in \mathbf{A}(FGA,A)$, it goes to $Id_{GA}$ on the right and then goes down to $Gf \in \mathbf{X}(GA,GB)$. In the other direction, $\epsilon$ goes down to $f\circ \epsilon \in \mathbf{A}(FGA,B)$ and then also goes to $Gf \in \mathbf{X}(GA,GB)$ by commutativity of the diagram.
This shows that your diagram commutes.